At this point of the "Build A Blog Worshop" you should be posting almost everyday, using an afilliate program, and posting tweets to your twitter account.

Even though you might not be getting a ton of traffic right now, doing these things will help you to have a successful blog. But there are other things you can do to help you get your blog noticed.

One thing you might want to try is writing articles. If you write an article with your blog's link in the signature, then submit it the to the article directories, you could see a lot of traffic to your blog.

The best way to get the right kind of visitors to your blog, is to write an article that is on the same topic as your blog. This way the people who are reading your articles, are more likely going to be interested in getting more information on the subject.

Plus if the people reading your article really like what they see, they could very well become loyal followers of your blog.

There are over one-hundred article directories out there for you to submit articles to. If you submit articles with your blog's link in it to even half of those directories, you are likely to get a lot of back-links too. Which of course is important for building your blogs "Page Rank".

We will talk a little bit more about Page Rank in tomorrows "Build A Blog Worshop". Until then keep at it, and as always, good luck!

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