Blog Communities

Posted by Brian Connole | 12/17/2009 | , , | 0 comments »

Becoming part of a blog community is a really great way to improve your blog. When you join a good blog community, you will get other members of the same community, to come visit your blog and leave you comments on how to improve your blog, or what they like about it.

This is also a great way to get some followers. If other people come to your blog and they like what they see, these people are going to start following your blog.

One of the many blog communities out there, and one that I am also an active member in, is My Blog Log. In this blog community you visit other blogs that interest you, and you start following them through that community.

  • The first thing you want to do is, go to
  • Now click on the tab that says "Join/Sign In".
  • Then just use your Yahoo ID to get signed up. (If you don't have one, they will show you how to easily get one)
  • Next just fill out the correct information about you and your blog.
After you get signed up you can start following other members blogs. This a great way for you to start out building your blog.

Make sure to check back tomorrow for Day 18 of the "Build A Blog". Until then, work smart not hard and as always good luck!

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