Yesterday's "Build A Blog Workshop" was about signing up for an AWeber account.

Today I am going to give you a good tip on building your email list.

For your blog visitors to give up their email address to you, they are going to need a good reason. I recommend giving them something for free.

You could offer them something like a weekly newsletter from your blog, a free product download, or some sort of information that isn't available everywhere.

If nothing that I have mentioned gives you an idea of what you can offer, Google free downloads with Private Label Rights. Try to be creative.

Then when you find something to offer your visitors, set it up so that you can give it to them if they just enter their email address. If you set up an AWeber account like we discussed yesterday in the Building An Email List post, they have information on how to do it correctly.

Just try to make sure that it is something people are going to want.

For tomorrow's Build A Blog Workshop, we will talk about what an email list can do for you and how to make money with one. Until then, keep up the good work and Happy New Year from the Bloogle AdSense Blog.

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