Check Out i-Blogger

Posted by Brian Connole | 6/25/2010 | , | 3 comments »

If you haven't yet noticed - the Bloogle AdSense Blog hasn't been updated in awhile, that is because I have started focusing my attention on 2 other blogs.

I plan on leaving this blog up and running, but I won't be adding anything more to it. However, if you like the information here you will probably find one of other blogs very useful.

i-Blogger -

i-Blogger is about the journey to become a successful full-time blogger. It has a lot of similar information as this blog.

Thank you for continuing your support of this blog and I hope you follow me on to bigger and better things.

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  1. Anh-Dung // August 3, 2010 at 12:34 AM  

    hey I started a blog on blogging tips including the use of adsense. Ideas for good blogs and such. If you would like to partner up with me please link to Then email me at and let me know so I can link to you. Thanks.


  2. Pakistani // October 25, 2010 at 6:20 AM  

    Hey there!

    I just wanted to ask, if possible, can we share links with each other???

    I have a couple of blogs namely

    I will surely link back to your blog.

    Abeer khan

  3. Buy Contact Lenses Online // June 22, 2017 at 11:24 PM  

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