Creating content is one of the most important things you can do for your blog. You want to post to your blog often. I would recommend posting to your blog at least once a day for the first week. After that if you can keep going with the same momentum, then you definitely should.

For today's "Build A Blog Workshop" I would advise you to plan your posts for the next 7 days. For example, if you had a blog that was all about bikes, you might plan out posts that look like this:
  • Day 1: Introduce your blog and what it's about.
  • Day 2: Blog about a good bike manufacture.
  • Day 3: You could blog about the best tires to have for riding on concrete.
  • Day 4: Blog about the best tires for riding on dirt.
  • Day 5: Post something about a great place to ride your bike.
  • Day 6: Write a post about a good bike seat to use.
  • Day 7: Your post could be about mountain bikes.
Another thing you want to remember when planning your weekly posts is, at least 2 of your blog posts for the week should be much longer than the rest. You don't want all of your blog posts to be 1 paragraph long. However if you do post to your blog every single day, a few of them can be just simple tips.

Posting something everyday to your blog, even if it's something small, tells the search engines that you update your blog often, which is what you want. Search engines love up to date information.

I will be back tomorrow with another tip for the "Build A Blog Workshop". Until then, keep working at it and as always, good luck.

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