Today's "Build A Blog Workshop" is an important one, I am going to show you how to submit your blog to the major search engines. 

Since most of your blogs traffic will be coming from search engines, you need to make sure to get it submitted right away. It usually takes a few weeks to get your blog listed in the major search engines, so submitting it to the search engines now is a good idea. This way, by the time the spiders get around to crawling your blog in a couple of weeks, you will have a lot more content.

The first thing you want to do is choose one of the free website submission companies to use. I have used a few for this task, but I would recommend using

  • First go to 
  • Now scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says "Free Web Submission"
  • Then type in your blog URL and email address. (use a valid email)
  • Next check the box that says "I have read and agree to the terms"
  • Finally just click "Submit Your Site"
After your blog is submitted, it will show you a list of the search engines that it was successfully or unsuccessfully submitted to.

When you are done reviewing which search engines your blog was submitted to, go to the bottom of the page and click Next .

The next page will ask you to link to them if you find their service has value. I would recommend linking to them but it's up to you.

That's it your blog should be listed in the search engines within the next few weeks. Tomorrow we will talk about your blog posts.

Until then, keep up the good work and as always, good luck!

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