Selling products on your blog is a great way to earn some extra cash. If you don't have a product of your own that you can offer, don't worry you can find products out there which can earn you anywhere from 5% to 75% of the sale.

So if you are like most people that are new to blogging, then you haven't yet created a product. That's okay, most people never do. However, you can still have some great products to offer your visitors by joining an affiliate program.

This is something I have done for a while now. I use a number of affiliate marketing programs, but the one that is probably the most popular and well known is Clickbank.

Clickbank has hundreds if not thousands of digital products that you can choose from. It is usually best to offer a product that is on the same topic as your blog. The people visiting your blog are there usually because they have an interest in what your blog is about.

If you don't find a product to offer your visitors that is in your same niche from Clickbank, you might want to think about offering a product from With's affiliate program, you can offer pretty much anything that they sell on their website.

To join one or both of these affiliate programs just go and sign up, they're both totally free!

To sign up for's affiliate program go to and click the join now for free button. Then fill out all of the information that they ask for.

After you get signed up for their affiliate program, just pick which products you want to offer then follow the directions for adding them to your blog. It can be done with just a couple of clicks.

To sell Clickbank's products go to and click on the Promote Products tab up at the top. Then click the Sign Up button and fill out the information form. After you are signed up for Clickbanks affiliate program, you will go and find a product to promote then you can place that link on your blog.

I would recommend placing your affiliate product somewhere toward the top to get your visitors attention. You could even write a post about the product and place the link in your post too.

I hope you can do as well as I have with affiliate products. Check back with us for tomorrow's "Build A Blog Workshop", and remember to keep blogging. Good luck!

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